
The Causes of Pimples on Baby Bottom and How to Get Rid Of It

The Causes of Pimples on Baby Bottom and How to Get Rid Of It
The Causes of Pimples on Baby Bottom and How to Get Rid Of It
Pimples on baby bottom is a skin problem that usually experienced by baby. Many parents feel worry when finding pimples on their baby bottom. Is it serious skin problem? What is the cause of it? Is there any way to solve it? Find the answer below.

The Cause of Pimples on Baby Bottom

Baby has sensitive skin. When baby skin attacked by some problems, parents will feel so worry because of it. Why? Many parents worry because they don’t want skin problem becomes serious disease that makes their baby get suffer. Are pimples on baby bottom serious skin problem?

Actually, baby can experience various skin problems because has sensitive skin. Pimples are the type of skin problem commonly experienced by baby in their first six month. So if you find pimples on your baby bottom and your baby age is under 6 month, you don’t have to worry because many babies also experience it.

There are some factors cause pimples on baby bottom. First, it may be caused by excess oil on your baby skin. As we know that pimple looks like acne, and the cause can be same with acne. Not only because of excess oil, pimples on bottom caused by hormone. It may relate with the condition of baby’s mother during pregnant. In other cases, pimples on baby bottom caused by the use of diaper. The moist condition can create comfortable place for bacteria to grow, and then it causes pimples on the bottom.

How to Get Rid of Pimples on Baby Bottom

Now, you have known that pimples on baby bottom are common skin problem experienced by babies in their first sixth months. But, you may be still worry when seeing pimples on your baby bottom. There are some tips can be done to solve pimples on baby bottom, such as below:

• Because pimples on bottom can be caused by the use of diaper, make sure you don’t change your baby’s diaper too frequently because it will make the pimples becomes worst. You can also use a good diaper. Make sure you choose a diaper that makes your baby feel comfortable. Avoid diaper that causes irritation to your baby bottom.

• Whenever you need to clean your baby bottom, use a soft washcloth and gently swab your baby bottom. It will prevent worst condition of pimples. Remember that pimples on bottom are common condition of baby in their first six month. It will go away after several months. So, you don’t need to rub or press the pimples because it will cause serious condition.

• Don’t use adult acne medications. Remember that baby skin is so sensitive and different with adult skin. If you need medicine or cleanser for your baby bottom, you can discuss it first with a doctor.

Well, those are some information for you about pimples on baby bottom. We can conclude that pimples on baby bottom can be caused by various factors. Just be patient when your baby experiences this condition because it will go away after several months. Hopefully the information about pimples on baby bottom above will be useful for you.